Thursday, October 28, 2010

Deb Bube

I wish every church had the ministry of someone like Deb Bube. Her ministry focuses on organizing volunteers and setting up the creative aspects of the churches services. To be honest when she first mentioned her title I had no idea what she did because I had never heard of that being a part of church ministry before. After she went into detail about what she did I found how necessary her ministry is to a church of that size. I really enjoyed how she presented her coordination of volunteers. Her ministry not only organizes the church but it disciples believers who are looking to use their gifts for the kingdom of God. Her ministry enables them to find outlets for them to use their gifts. This helps the church to use their disciples effectively. I really liked the way she showed us how she plans each year using planning center and mindjet. I had no idea that a church could plan that far ahead but she makes it so easy and effective that I would really like to emulate that in the future. Also, one of the biggest things that impacted me was what she said about how people cant remember 52 different things each year to change their life but they might be able to remember 10 or 12 so if we preach series people can grasp the things that are expressed in the message. And this type of preaching comes with strategic planning. Lastly, I think it was important what she did to make sure that everything ties into what the sermon idea is from the announcements to what is in the church foyer everything plays into what the message is. Deb has a lot of focus and knows how to employ that for the good of the kingdom.

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